Ivan Ward [Ward] van Blaricum |
Geslacht | Man |
Leeftijd | 84 |
Geboren | 25 november 1917 | in | Newaygo, Newaygo County MI (US) |
Overleden | 26 september 2002 | in | Judsonia, White County AR (US) |
Begraven | | in | Evergreen Cemetery, Judsonia, White County AR (US) |
Vader | Charles Monroe van Blaricum |
| Geboren | 27 december 1881 |
| Overleden | 14 januari 1966 |
Moeder | Coral Genevievie Breese |
| Geboren | 18 augustus 1885 |
| Overleden | 15 november 1942 |
Zus | Myrtle Elizabeth |
Broer | Charles Lester geb. 3 februari 1905 |
Zus | Vera C. geb. 1908 |
Broer | John Albert geb. 21 september 1911 |
Zus | Lenna Ruth geb. 24 september 1912 |
Broer | Fred Abraham geb. 13 juni 1920 |
Broer | Harry Jack geb. 21 augustus 1922 |
Verblijfplaats(en) | Howell, Livingston County MI (US) in 1942 | | Brighton, Livingston County MI (US) in 1966 | | St. David, Cochise County AZ (US) van 1976 tot 1991 | | Judsonia, White County AR (US) van 1991 tot 2002 |
| Links | Find a grave | |
Huwelijk | 1937 | |
met | Dorothy May Rettig |
Geboren | 2 april 1916 | in | Scio, Washtenaw County MI (US) | Overleden | 9 mei 2009 | in | Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County MI (US) |
Begraven | | in | Bethlehem Cemetery, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County MI (US) | |
Huwelijk | 1946 | |
met | Gladys Lavelle [Dixie] Alford |
Geboren | 13 september 1923 | in | Ridgely, Lake County TN (US) | Overleden | 23 juni 1999 | in | Judsonia, White County AR (US) |
Begraven | | in | Evergreen Cemetery, Judsonia, White County AR (US) | |
Kinderen |
Patricia Lynn
Pamela Faye
Michael Ross
Overlijdensbericht | "Dixie" Van Blaricum died on June 23, 1999 in Judsonia, Ark. at the age of 76. She was born in Tennessee on Sept. 13, 1923. Dixie and her husband of 56 years, Ward, moved to St. David in 1976. She worked for Happy Valley Realty until her retirement in 1991. Dixie also worked part time at the Horseshoe Cafe. She and her husband moved to Judsonia in 1991. Dixie is survived by her mother; her husband, Ward; two daughters, Patricia Lynn; and Pamela Faye; one son, Michael Ross; and several grandchildren. Dixie will be sadly missed by her family and all her friends in Benson and St. David.San Pedro Valley News-Sun, August 4, 1999 |
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