James D. [Jim] van Blarcom |
![James D. [Jim] van Blarcom](../fotos/1071524149_james_d_van_blarcom.jpg) |
Geslacht | Man |
Leeftijd | 73 |
Geboren | 26 juni 1932 | in | Dubuque, Dubuque County IA (US) |
Overleden | 6 januari 2006 | in | Dubuque, Dubuque County IA (US) |
om | 04:08 | |
Begraven | | in | Mount Calvary Cemetery, Dubuque, Dubuque County IA (US) |
Vader | James E. van Blarcom |
| Geboren | 3 september 1906 |
| Overleden | september 1980 |
Moeder | Helen C. Engler |
| Geboren | 4 maart 1906 |
| Overleden | 12 januari 2001 |
Zus | Phyllis |
Zus | Lois |
Broer | Earl |
Broer | Gerald |
Verblijfplaats(en) | Dubuque, Dubuque County IA (US) in 2006 |
| Overlijdensbericht | James attended school at Ss. Peter and Paul School in Sherrill, later moving to Dubuque. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict, spending some time in France. James married Barbara L. Massey on September 14, 1957 at St. Patrick’s Church in Dubuque. He worked in construction for 15 years and then was employed at the Dubuque John Deere Works for 25 years until his retirement. James was a member of Holy Ghost Church and he enjoyed helping other people. He loved his work and took great pride in what he did. James was a man of few words, but he would work tirelessly for others expecting nothing in return. He enjoyed his grandchildren and watching them grow. | |
Huwelijk | 14 september 1957 | in | St. Patrick’s Church, Dubuque, Dubuque County IA (US) |
met | Barbara L. [Barb] Massey |
Kinderen |
Sharon L.
Lynn A.
David J.
Mark A. geb. 3 sept. 1961